With rise in inflation due to reckless spending at the federal level, it's more important now more than ever to give our seniors relief by removing the senior pension tax. As your next state representative I will work to remove this tax on our seniors.
We all were horrified when the Governor placed COVID positive recovering patients in the same health care facilities as healthy residents and patients. As a result, there is no way of knowing how many seniors were needlessly infected. In addition, separating them from their families was wrong. Seniors, regardless of where they are living, have the right to see their loved ones. I will not stand for putting seniors in health danger and will fight for senior and family rights.
I will also work to enforce harsh penalties on anyone that runs scams to target seniors and their wellbeing. There is nothing more despicable than criminals that prey on our societies most vulnerable.
Our roads are in terrible shape. They have been for years. And unfortunately Macomb County continues to send tax dollars to Lansing, only to have them go to road projects in other counties. Every year we pay a tax on our vehicle registration that goes into the road fund. Where else in the state is that money going? One of the first bills I'll introduce is a simple concept to keep road dollars in Macomb. If you register your vehicle in Macomb County, the road dollars must stay in Macomb County. Every county will get their own disbursement from vehicle registrations.
Our country is experiencing crime waves in major cities because of radical soft on crime policies. Many major cities have a revolving door at the jail for criminals. That must never happen in our state or near our home. As state representative I will stand up against the radical “defund the police” movement. We have great departments in Macomb County. They put their life on the line for us whenever they put on their uniform. They have our six, and I’ll have theirs as your next state representative. That is why multiple police unions endorsed me when I was a Clinton Twp. Trustee.
I grew up in a small business where I learned the value of hard work, attention to detail, and fiscal responsibility. Small businesses must be protected because they are vital to our economy. Too many of them shutdown due to the Whitmers mandates. I will champion the voice of the small business in Lansing - No government mandates that harm small businesses.
I recently refinanced my home and I had to show my ID to complete the transaction. The last time I flew on a plane I had to show my ID. The last time I purchased a gun I had to show ID. But there are some people that think that I shouldn't have to show my ID when I go to the polls to vote. And in Michigan there is no law that says you must show ID in order to get a ballot. As your next state representative I will sponsor legislation to show state ID in order to vote in any election. That is just common sense in order to protect the integrity of our elections.
I believe in individualism. I believe you have the freedom and responsibility to take care of your own health. That includes what drugs or vaccines you choose to take. No one should be treated as a second class citizen because they make the choice not to take the Covid vaccine.
The founding fathers knew our right to bear arms was so important, they enshrined it in the Constitution. I’ve held my CPL for over a decade, and am a longstanding NRA member. In Lansing I will make sure that our rights “shall not be infringed.”